7 Essential Winter Tips That Your Skin Will Thank You For

The dry breeze of winter often deprives us of our natural blush and warm glow. While we love the season for the countless varieties of winter wear it offers, it becomes quite a task to sustain the softness of our skin. Boost your skincare regimen in order to beat the problems of parched skin during the dry season. Avoid skin breakages and steer clear of dry skin this winter by following these essential winter skin care tips:

  • Opt for lukewarm water: Nothing can be more comforting than sinking oneself in the tub of hot water after a long day of work. However, too much heat can never be agreeable for the skin or hair. Take care to maintain the water temperature at an optimum level and never rinse your hair with hot water. Hot showers might sound tempting but they can end up giving you a cracked skin.
  • Moisturize frequently: One faces various kinds of skin challenges during winter. The frequent need to moisturize may be tiresome but it is equally important if you want to keep your skin hale and hearty. A well-hydrated and moisturized skin will be less itchy and flaky. So stick to one body lotion or winter cream that suits you well and apply it evenly after you take a shower.
  • Avoid usage of dry products: Using body and hair products with higher chemical content is not recommended during the dry season. They deprive the body of the natural moisture and render it dry and flaky. It can also lead to winter eczema. The skincare products that sustained you happily through the summer may not be the answer to your winter difficulties. One can use hydration serums to keep the skin moistened and soft.
  • Stay hydrated: Contrary to what many people believe, drinking sufficient amount of water is important throughout the year and not just in summers. The climate is drier and skin breakouts are extremely common during winter thus drinking a lot of water can help you overcome these problems. One can also go for a generous spread of fruit salads or fill up on tasteful juices. So stay hydrated and stay happy.
  • Say no to the extra cups of coffee: Sipping on steaming cups of delicious coffee is one of the best parts of celebrating winter. However, too much of caffeine within the body can lead to drier skin. They can dehydrate the skin if consumed limitlessly per day. The trick is to know when to say no!
  • Let overnight masks work wonders: Ingredients like milk, honey, curd, and banana are extremely good for the dry skin and preparing a mask out of it can be even more beneficial for you. Usually, face masks or any kind of rejuvenating cream work the best during nights. The application of a nourishing face mask can restore the softness that goes missing during the dry climate.
  • Shade yourself with sunglass and sunscreen: Do not ditch the cool accessory during winters. The air might be cool but the sun is still up! A sunglass will always protect you from the UV rays and comfort your face against the harsh conditions. The application of sunscreen is also equally important as they come with a moisturizing effect. Thus they serve the dual purpose of guarding the skin against UV rays and winter breeze.

Implementing these essential winter tips can keep your skin hydrated during the harsh weather. Follow them to have a breathable, healthy looking, glowing and moisturized skin.