6 Essential DIY Hair care tips to follow during this changing season

Falling hair is a constant issue with today’s youth. The excessive work stress and increasing pollution every day, have resulted in massive hair fall issues with almost all working population and especially those below the age of 30. And one added cause to this list the changing seasons, with every season change you hair also demands a change in the way you care for it, but none of us has the time to switch to multiple ways for our hair. Apart from occasional visits to your parlour for a hair spa what else can you do on a regular basis to protect your hair from the harsh effects of the changing seasons? Here are a few easy regular things you can do to take care of your hair.


Regular Deep Conditioning

You probably have already been told a million times that deep conditioning is the most important things for your hair and it really is extremely important to any hair care regimen and even more important during the Fall and Winter months. Having clean hair is extremely important, but while applying shampoo helps to get rid of any impurities, it can also strip your hair of its natural oils leaving hair dry and brittle.

Cold weather only seems to worsen these conditions. Moisturizing deep conditioners assist in combatting this issue. Adding a deep conditioner to your hair care regimen may add a few more minutes to your routine, but it is definitely worth it. Although kindly consult with your hairstylist or salon before choosing a conditioner.


Moisture Restoration

Washing your hair is not the ultimate solution for every problem, in fact, it can actually harm you if you overdo it, whether your hair is oily or dry, you really shouldn’t be washing it on a daily basis during any season.

Especially your hair requires all the natural oils that your scalp produces for nourishment. If you work out or sweat more in general, you can rinse your hair and use conditioner but washing every day will dry your hair and scalp during season changes and especially winter.


Frequent Trimming

Cutting off your dead and split ends at regular intervals especially after the harsh summers is one of the best things that you can do for your hair. We don’t feel that there is one particular trimming schedule that applies to all women. When you notice that your ends are damaged and splitting, get rid of them.


Avoiding Heat Damage

Heat is the worst enemy of healthy hair. When drying or styling your hair, try to avoid using hot air from the dryer or curling iron.


Letting it Loose

Tying your hair tight? It might not be very helpful for you. Stress to your hair results in hair loss, so let your hair fall naturally in a low, loose ponytail.


Proper Sleep Schedule

Lack of sleep or irregularity in sleep or excess stress are two of the major reasons behind hair damage and hair fall. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Being well-rested and getting plenty of sleep helps maintain your hair and keeps more of it on your head.


We all love the fact that with the changing seasons come with brand new occasions for which you buy clothes or get ready, but what about the most important accessory of all – your hair. The above-mentioned tips are proved to be helpful for your hair and applicable to any season. With proper care, you can keep your hair healthy and last a long time.

For further assistance and professional opinion on how to take care of your hair contact us at Bubbles at https://www.bubblesindia.com/book-an-appointment/ or simply walk into our salon.