Top makeup tips from professional beauty experts

We love you to visit our salon. But, at the same time, we also want you to feel confident with yourself about the way you look every day. It is why, today, we are bringing you five excellent makeup tips directly from our beauty experts. You can apply these beauty tips every day and change how you look with just a twist of beauty routines.

Makeup is an art. We guess you agree with that statement, mainly because the outlook experts can bring within just an hour session. But, what if you can apply little tricks to your everyday makeup routine and experience a visible difference in your look? You’d love that, don’t you? We know, which is why below are a few beauty tricks from our experts. 

Get your hands dirty

When it comes to makeup, people always tend to use brushes and makeup equipment to make it perfect. But, you can also use your bare fingertips while applying makeup. Next time, once you’re done applying your base cosmetic, be it concealer, foundation, or a moisturiser, make sure to dab it a little with your fingertips. This technique removes the excess makeup and also makes the makeup last longer. 

Makeup tips- Be the best at the game of Eyes

Eyes say a lot about you. And, first impressions stay longer when eyes make a statement. So, make sure you spend some time defining your eyes before you go out to an event or party. If you want to make your eyes look bigger, stay away from darker tones. Instead, try a neutral colour or just a few shades darker than your skin tone. It brings a subtle shadow look to your eyes and instantly makes your eyes look bigger. If you want more tips on making your eyes look bigger, we have posted a blog last month with a more detailed look on the same. Read the blog here. 

Stay true to your rituals

Rituals make you disciplined. Using the same techniques and methods on your skin gets your skin adapted to them and stays beautiful. So, make good habits when treating your skin. One of those is to remove your makeup before you go to bed. Once removed, you have to clean and moisturise your skin so that it regains its beauty overnight. After waking up, do not apply any chemicals or soap. Rinse with plain warm water and dab it with a soft towel. 

These are only a few tips that our experts suggest you implement right away. These tips will definitely help you keep your skin fresh and healthy. Not just that, use the makeup tips every day for a consistent and beautiful look. We, at Bubbles Salon & Spa, have dedicated services for Skin & haircare and makeup. For gorgeous transformation, give us a call or visit us. Until then, we hope you make the best use of these tips from our experts. 


Also read our Blog: engagement makeup