What are the five basics of skincare?

Your SKIN-VESTMENT is the foundation of your glowing life. Do you agree? By saying ‘investment’, we aren’t just talking about the money you spend to make your skin glow. It’s also about your opinions and thoughts that make you feel comfortable in your skin no matter what. So, with this blog, you’ll get an insight into building an effective skincare routine. Skincare routine can be a personal affair. Therefore, you can always pep up the game with an effective skin regimen no matter what. 

What is the best skincare for you?

The goal of skincare is to cheer your confidence. You should find a balance between what your skin wants and needs. Here are some steps that you can take to attain healthy and glowing skin! Remember that perfection should not be your goal, but gift your skin what it needs to breathe. 


A simple skincare routine begins with cleansing because it helps in getting rid of clogged pores, breakouts and premature ageing. Always choose a skin-friendly cleanser and the ones that enhance your skin health.


Exfoliation is two-minute magic to lift the look of your skin. At Bubbles, we offer different types of exfoliation treatments depending on your skin type. Our professional stylists only need a glance at your skin to suggest you the best. For instance, we use several scrubs and different products as a part of exfoliation. Therefore, at Bubbles, we guide you with the right exfoliating treatments to maintain glowing skin.


Do fine lines and wrinkles worry you? Well, make hydration a part of your life. Drink a lot of water to attain healthy skin. Similarly, go for water-based hydrating products for better results. Hydrating gives your skin a transformative effect. 


Treat your skin with a serum to calm skin irritation. Skin serums can do wonders to your skin as it works to brighten the complexion too. Always choose a serum that resonates with your skin type.


Add a zing to your whole skin routine with a moisturiser. Moreover, moisturisers can be used to avoid breakouts and dry skin too. For instance, the right moisturiser helps in improving skin firmness. Therefore, always go for an expert formulated moisturiser.

Above all, the final step is to protect your skin. Therefore, go for a sunscreen which will protect your skin from ageing and irritation. In conclusion, sunscreen helps in hydrating your skin and helps in protecting your skin from UV rays.

To make your skin look and feel healthy, you need to find the best skincare routine for yourself. On the other hand, you can opt for our expert-formulated treatments too. So if you are looking for a professional touch, visit Bubbles salon. Do what makes you beautiful and your skin blissful.